DataOps Engineer. Building geospatial tools at Living Map.

Benchmarking with OSM data: Duckdb vs Rust vs Go

Lately, I’ve been curious about how duckdb, go and rust would handle OSM data and its performance. I’m interested in using OSM data mainly because it offers everything from small to medium-sized datasets, all the way up to colossal ones like planet-scale data. So here it goes! Test 1: count features This test consisted in opening the appropriate area osm.pbf file and count the number of features. The code used to run these tests is available here.…
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The Go vs Rust in GIS

As a geospatially-minded professional, I couldn’t help but notice a gap in the ongoing debate between Go and Rust: what about GIS? So, let me share some brief reflections on developing geospatial applications in Go and Rust. Go Go is very easy to pick up, especially for those versed in C or C++. Python users may take a bit longer to grasp concepts like pointers, but Go’s overall simplicity facilitates easy team adoption.…
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